This is my story how I was diagnosed with PCOS, balanced my hormones and got my period naturally. I’ve detailed my two year journey of jump starting my body’s periods and healing PCOS naturally and I hope it will help you if you’re struggling with infertility and irregular periods.
You would think as a healthy living blogger and having a personal trainer as a husband that we have our wellness in check. Truth is, I’ve been struggling with one health issue after another for several years. Even though I’ve always tried to be a ‘healthy person’.
For so long I thought opening up about my struggles would diminish my authority as a blogger. If I struggle with health, why should you listen to any healthy living tips I have to share. But reality is everyone struggles. When it comes to health, no one goes through life unscathed.
You would think in the 21st century, with modern medicine, that any health issue we encounter would be easily diagnosed and treated. But we are so far, far away from truly understanding our bodies’ needs and how to treat it effectively.
While I hope you find a treatment for amenorrhea through my experience and how I got my period after not having it for a year, please know that I am not a doctor and our bodies are all different. The reason behind why I had PCOS may not be your reason. Therefore, my home remedy may not work for you. As always, try these remedies at your own risk.
Why My Periods Stopped
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and for legal reasons I have to say that you should always consult your doctor first before doing anything I recommend in this article. Also, to keep DHH running I participate in affiliate programs which means if you click on some of the products I mention and make a purchase I receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.
A few years ago, my husband and I made the joyous decision to get off birth control and start having children. After the first month off birth control, I didn’t have a period and I was ecstatic that we got pregnant so fast. But a pregnancy test revealed that I wasn’t pregnant.
Lesson #1: The Dangers of Birth Control Doctors Never Tell You
The reason for my lack of periods is very simple – I was stressed. I come from a high-strung family, prone to anxiety, and I have a pretty stressful job but this never stopped me from having periods before birth control, so why now?
When you are on birth control, your body doesn’t fully ovulate (obviously, or else you could get pregnant), which means the little friend that is released after ovulation that helps calm our heart and nerves in stressful situations doesn’t get created.
This was the ‘aw-ha’ moment for me when I realized just how detrimental birth control was on my body. A few years prior to this I went through a stressful event that was the catalyst for all my health issues: heart burn, palpitations, digestion issues, stomach ulcer, hypothyroid, lack of motivation and more!
Because birth control stopped my body from creating the necessary components to help me handle stress, my body had to cope by increasing my cortisol levels, which increased my testosterone, this also impacted my adrenal glands and my thyroid. SInce I had increased testosterone, my body didn’t have regular periods.
You see, your ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid and pituitary gland are connected through the endocrine system. If one area gets thrown off, it creates a chain of events.
The crazy part is, none of the doctors (and I saw several specialists with test after test) caught this very simple reason for all my health issues. They all wanted to treat each sign separately. But this just screws you up more in the long run (post coming on that soon!).
What to Do If You Haven’t Had a Period in 3+ Months
If you are not pregnant but still haven’t had your period, there are several things you can do figure out why and get a period naturally.
Step 1: Get a Saliva Hormone Test
ZRT Labs is the place my naturalpath used to test my hormone levels. I decided on the most comprehensive test, which is called their Weight Management test. I knew my hormones might not be the only reason I wasn’t having periods so I wanted to test my thyroid, insulin and more to be on the knowledgeable side.
Lesson #2: Sometimes you have to fork out your own money to get the tests you need, not the ones you doctor says you need.
The crazy part is when I went to my OBGYN doctor a few months after not having period she immediately diagnosed me with PCOS and said if I wanted to get pregnant I should go on Clomid immediately. I asked her if there was any natural way to treat PCOS – she said no but I was welcome to try.
That was the last time I went to a real doctor.
Could I have gone on Clomid and be pregnant right now – maybe. But what type of health problems could I or the baby have because of it. I have heard too many horror stories to go down that route.
The doctor did order me a blood test, after I asked for it but it only test the very basic hormones, which doesn’t give you a full picture of what could be causing your lack of periods.
Step 2: Manage Your Stress
This is the part where I should encourage meditation and such. I’ve tried meditation. While I love the concept, it just never happens for me. So if meditation is a no-go for you, I recommend yoga or pilates instead.
Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is one of my favorites – she is fun and down-to-earth and great for beginners.
Or you can get a dog. Now, I didn’t get our boxer Groot because I needed help to manage my stress. At first, he added more stress to my life! But after a few months of post-adoption depression, I’ve found he has done wonders for my stress because he forces me to slow down, go outside, and get exercise. And you all know my firm belief in how soft, cuddly things are good for your health.

Our dog Groot
I also think grounding goes a long way in helping your body cope with stress. Grounding is where you balance your body’s energies (think vibrating atoms not magical crystals) by walking barefoot outside and coming into contact with nature.
I also purchased three powders with adaptogenic properties. These are plants that help support your adrenal system, especially when it comes to protecting your body from the harm stress causes to your adrenals.
Adaptogens I purchased (links below to Amazon are items I actually purchased and use – if you click these links and purchase the items I do receive small compensation, which helps me keep this blog running, without any additional cost to you):
- Maca root
- Ashwagandha
- Ladies Balance Asana Shatavari
The thing about powdered adaptogens is you have to mix it with something to eat it – yogurt, milk, smoothies. I don’t eat those things often so I didn’t get the full impact of these adaptogens. However, when I do stick to them on a consistent basis I feel better…and they are a libido..;P
One other product I tried was this spearmint tea that helps our body cope with stress and balance our hormones. Tasted great but didn’t see any direct results from it.
Step 3: Balance Your Hormones Naturally
The last thing my OBGYN did to really help screw up my body is give me progesterone pills to force my body to have a period. If you go more than 6 months without having a period it increases your chance of getting ovarian cancer or some other really scary disease.
Terrified that I might get cancer, I decided to do the progesterone challenge to get a period. And I got one…but within those 10 days my face went from blemish free to my ‘teen days’ when no makeup would salvage that mess!
Worst part, the acne lasted for months. Not to mention, that my body didn’t get regular periods after the progesterone challenge…because those pills didn’t solve the underlying issue.
Once I started getting my body to cope better with stress, I began to undo the work stress caused on my endocrine system. This is the treatment my homeopathic doctor gave to me based on my results from the weight management test listed above. I had low progesterone and high testosterone.
Hormone Balancing Regimen:
- Chaste Tree Berry: Most commonly used to treat menstrual pain and menopause as it impacts estrogen levels. Ironically my estrogen levels were normal in my saliva test but the doctor said it could help balance the other areas as well. Within a week of taking it I noticed I started to get menstrual cramps. I took one a day.
- Progest Cream: Made from naturally occurring progesterone in yams, I used this topical cream during days 8-28 of my cycle. In order to get my first period, I used 1/2 tsp spread on my breasts, inner bicep, and inner thighs every night (rotating between the three areas) for 10 days then for days 8-28 I use only 1/4 tsp in the same areas.
- Adrenotone: This was a major player and helping me ‘feel’ a difference in my health. Magical stuff! Within two weeks, I felt motivation again in the morning. I would wake up refreshed and feel ready to take on the day. The naturalpath told me take 2 in the morning immediately when I woke up. But I ended up taking just one in the morning during breakfast.
Lesson #3: Always listen to your body.
The naturalpath also gave me BioThyro and told me to take one at breakfast and one at lunch but the ingredients upset my stomach even after breakfast so I just took it at lunch…sometimes. I mostly didn’t take this one so that’s why it isn’t in the regimen above. I could feel the difference with the above regimen but it made me nervous how sick I felt the first few times taking BioThyro.
Only you know your body. Listen to it.
First 10 days on the regimen above and to my delight I got a period! But the next month I didn’t…nor the month after that. I kept with the regimen above and with a change in my diet (see below) I once again got a healthy period and have been regular since.
Step 4: Foods to Eat To Help Get Your Period
The first thing you need to do is cut out any highly processed foods, such as white flour and sugar, and bring more plant-based, whole foods into your diet. Only sugar I eat (minus the occasional dessert) is honey and what’s in dark chocolate. I find I crave dark chocolate right before periods (lesson #3, my friends :D).
I don’t drink alcohol but if you do, stop. And I also stopped drinking coffee. This was more for stopping my palpitations but the weirdest thing happened when I stopped drinking coffee. I got more energy (after the awful withdrawal period of 3 months), my stomach felt better and my palpitations stopped. I actually had a fancy coffee drink with a friend the other day and felt incredibly sick afterwards. It’s amazing what you find out about your body when you stop a certain food for a long period of time. Stopping caffeine is also good if you are trying to get pregnant. I still drink oolong, green and the occasional black tea though.
There are foods that help trigger your period. In my research, I read that parsley could help get your period fast. Supposedly if you make a tea with fresh parsley and drink 6 cups of it a day, you’ll get your period. I made it through cup #2. I’ve never been a big fan of parsley.
My first appointment with my homeopathic doctor, she thought I wasn’t eating enough. She created a meal plan for me to increase my saturated fat.
Our bodies need cholesterol to create the necessary hormones to get a period. But eating cholesterol rich foods can actually lead to cancer and other diseases (read The China Study – it will change your life!). The best way to get this type of cholesterol is actually through healthy fats like avocados, nuts, eggs and cheese – or so recommended my naturalpath.
After eating a high fat diet, I still didn’t get my period (this was pre-hormone balancing regimen days) so I followed lesson #3 and listened to my body. Eating animal products didn’t make me feel great and after reading The China Study, I decided to cut out animal products as much as I could.
Interestingly, my appetite increased during my vegan streak. I felt great! And I started to get regular periods again.
Regulating the time of day you eat can also help if you are struggling with infertility. Eat big, hearty breakfasts and smaller lunches and dinners. For breakfast, I eat a gluten free, dairy-free burrito (from Amy’s – found in organic section of most stores.) and a rice cake with a multi-nut butter with a little raw honey and cinnamon on top. Yummm 🙂
How to Get Regular Periods with PCOS, Naturally
If PCOS is the reason for irregular periods, there is one final step that I found to really help my body heal — essential oils. Whether PCOS causes no periods, irregular periods or painful periods, this essential oil mix may help you.
I found a great essential oil blend for PCOS in Valerie Ann Worwood’s book The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy – it is THE source for essential oil remedies (plus some other natural cures). I’ve read dozens of books on healthy living and this by far tops them all for essential oil remedial care.
Valerie’s suggestion for essential oils to treat PCOS include:
- Clary sage
- Rose otto
- Geranium
- Lavender, spike
- Sage, greek
- Juniper berry
- Carrot seed
- Chamomile roman
- Lavender
- Myrtle
Here’s my oil blend from her section on PCOS that I use:
- Clary sage 10 drops
- Geranium 7 drops
- Lavender 4 drops
- Juniper berry 3 drops
I mixed the above drops into 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. Then every night I smothered by lower abdominal, lower back and feet with some of the mixture. I did this 5-7 days before a full moon (aka 5 days before you start your period).
The moon impacts us as much as it impacts tides. Aligning your body with the moon’s cycle can help get your body into a rhythm as well.
Balance Your Hormones and Get Your Period
I’m happy to say I’m writing this post on my period (TMI?). Balancing your hormone takes time. Be patient and stick with your regimen. I’m a firm believer in home remedies and that God gave us everything we need in nature to be healthy.
Before taking whatever a doctor prescribes, please try to first get your body’s rhythm back through natural means.
Even though I’ve been getting regular periods now, we haven’t gotten pregnant yet. But I believe my body is prohibiting it until it is completely healthy. Pregnancy is a rigorous experience for your body and it needs to be healthy to make it through without causing further damage to you and the baby.
UPDATE: I got pregnant in April 2019 just a few months after starting this regimen (wohoo it works!) and I hope it helps you as well! Would love to hear your stories, tell me on Facebook!
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